Updated isViewingInEditor function to use \FLBuilderModel::is_builder_active() instead of checking the request URI for improved Beaver Builder editor detection.

Modified plugin behavior upon license expiration.

Performance improvement: Reduce requests to the server for checking active licenses.

Added license status reset button to help with license activation issues.

Fixed PHP "Undefined array key "path" warning.


We recommend a minimum of PHP 7.4. Compatible with 7.4, 8.0 and 8.2.

Attention Lifetime License Holders: if you are running version 1.4.1 or earlier, the plugin may not properly recognize your license, telling you that your license expired --  you might need to manually upload the most recent version which should fix this issue for you.

Known Issues

As more people use our plugin and test it with different environments, issues will come up. We'll address them as we are able to but for now, here is a list of issues or conflicts that have been reported:

  • COMMON ISSUE-- If you see a square instead of submenu icon: If you have FontAwesome Pro icons enabled in BB Theme, it may mess with the submenu icon in our plugin (and also with UABB Advanced Menu module). To solve this add some custom CSS to override the font family as follows: .brex-mobile-menu-container-node .brex-mobile-menu-container .menu-item-has-children>a::after {font-family:'Font Awesome 5 Pro';}  UPDATE Installing the FontAwesome plugin seems to fix a lot of issues with FontAwesome in text modules too. Try this first.
  • Beaver Builder Mega Menu might not work properly if you have your header set to "sticky" and "shrink." You should not use these settings in your headers when you have a mega menu up there. (Or if you do, I would suggest making the mega menu only visible on medium and large screens, then using a different menu module for your navigation that is set to be visible only on small devices)
  • UABB Creative Menu throws an error when used with our plugin. One user reported better luck with version 1.34.0 of their plugin but all we know is there is some kind of interaction between the two, so I would not try using the two together for now.
  • Some other UABB and PowerPack modules don't work correctly when placed in a mega menu. For example Posts Carousel and UABB Info Box also Advanced Posts. If you have issues with something not looking right, please replace the module you are using with basic BB text/icon/image type modules instead.
  • Mega Menu inherits background or other styles from header Here is a quick post that explains how to override with custom CSS
  • Sometimes we have noticed that styles applied within the "style" tab of a module will not translate to the saved row when displayed as a mega menu. This is due to how BB's CSS is targeting the dynamically generated module ID in the builder. If you have issues with this, use your own inline HTML/CSS for applying styles. For example, if you have a text editor module and you want it centered, center it using the good old fashioned text formatting buttons in the visual editor, rather than setting the alignment in the style tab. You will have more reliable results this way.
  • Issue when using duplicated rows for mega menu -- Several people have reported odd behavior when the saved row being used for a mega menu is one that they created by duplicating another row. When you create a mega menu, always start with a fresh row.
  • If you deactivate your license for any reason it will eventually cause your mega menu to DISAPPEAR (there is a grace period but it's only for a month). You must have an active license for the mega menu to appear as a module and for the menu itself to render. This can be problematic for cloning a site that uses a single site license. Contact us if you need a temporary increase in the number of supported activations.
  • Multi-level dropdowns do not work: Since the entire point of this plugin is to replace hard-to-use multi-level dropdown menus, it will only display the first level of dropdowns. If you need more levels than that, I suggest using a mega menu instead! 🙂
  • One user reported that the Timely Events Calendar plugin causes the mega menu to "blink" in and out as you mouse between items in the mega menu.
  • Some people have had issues where the mega menu flickers when you move the mouse within it. In the past this has been solved by adding some CSS to remove animations, for example: .brex-mega-menu > li.mega-menu-saved-row .mega-menu-saved-row-container {animation: none !important;}


If you contact me for support, there are a few things I am going to ask you to try. So you can save us both some time if you can try these before contacting me.

License Key keeps saying it's expired: Sometimes the database does not update the new expiration date as it should, so it keeps showing a message. Before contacting us for help, please try the steps below first.

  1. Go to Mega Menu Settings page
  2. Click On 'Deactivate License' Button
  3. Remove Key from input field.(Copy the key somewhere before removing)
  4. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
  5. Paste the key to the input field.
  6. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
  7. Click the 'Activate License' button.

General Issues with appearance or other things:

If at any point in the below steps you find that it starts working again, stop there. You now know that the culprit was one of the things you just changed or deactivated.

  1. <<< First, check the known issues list to the left <<<.
  2. Try switching the modules in your mega menus to only use basic Beaver Builder modules (image, text, icon, button, etc). Some advanced modules like tabs, posts, or certain UABB addon modules may not behave normally when placed in a mega menu.
  3. Have you cleared ALL caches? Both the Beaver Builder cache (Settings > Beaver Builder > Tools), and you should also completely disable any other caching plugins, and also try to turn it off (or at least flushing it) at the server level. Cached scripts and styles can frequently cause problems.
  4. Next, do a conflict test. This is hugely helpful in determining what is causing your issue. You need to deactivate all plugins except for Beaver Builder, Beaver Themer, and BB Mega Menu. All other plugins should be disabled. (we assume you are using Beaver Builder theme along with Beaver Themer.) Still have the issue?
  5. Next step, keep everything disabled, but disable Beaver Themer too. Switch to one of the stock WordPress themes (so, deactivate the Beaver Builder theme too) Now, place your mega menu module in the content area of a new, blank test page. So at this point you should be running one of the stock WordPress themes, and the only plugins running are Beaver Builder and BB Mega Menu, and you are on a new blank page that only contains your mega menu module and no other modules. Still have the issue?
  6. Okay now re-activate Beaver Themer and the Beaver Builder theme since that probably was not the problem. At this point if you have done all of the above and still have the problem, please contact me.

If at any point in the above steps you find that it starts working again, stop there. You now know that the culprit was one of the things you just changed or deactivated.

What you should do once you reach this point (where the mega menu works as expected), is to start slowly adding things back in one at a time until you figure out which exact variable causes it to break. Once you know this, you can try to find a workaround.

== Changelog ==

= 1.4.11 - 12/04/2024 =
* Updated isViewingInEditor function to use \FLBuilderModel::is_builder_active() instead of checking the request URI for improved Beaver Builder editor detection.

= 1.4.10 - 11/28/2024 =
* Modified plugin behavior upon license expiration.

= 1.4.9 - 04/10/2024 =
* Performance improvement: Reduce requests to the server for checking active licenses.

= 1.4.8 - 12/13/2023 =
* Added license status reset button to help with license activation issues.
* Fixed PHP "Undefined array key "path" warning.

= 1.4.7 - 11/28/2023 =
* Added rel="nofollow" to top-level mega menu trigger items that are not active links

= 1.4.6 - 4/27/2023 =
* Fixed the dropdown menu visibility issue that occurred when hovering over the menu for the second time.

= 1.4.5 - 4/22/2023 =
* Added the option to trigger mega menu on click instead of hover

= 1.4.4 - 3/9/2023 =
* Added max-width attribute to mega menu settings. This setting will make the mega menu disappear when the user rolls their mouse off of it to the left or right, in addition to the top and bottom. Useful for when you have clickable elements just below the mega menu. Leave blank for default behavior of only disappearing when user rolls off top or bottom.

= 1.4.3 - 1/19/2023 =
* Improved the code and fixed compatibility issue with other plugins

= 1.4.2 -12/15/2022 =
* Fixed issue with mobile menu not working properly
* Fix minor issue for PHP 8.0 compatibility
* Adds support for adding custom class to top-level menu items

= - 10/17/2022 =
* fixed enclosing folder name mismatch

= 1.4.1 - 10/17/2022 =
* fixed lifetime license not properly being recognized as valid license
* fixed version numbers not being updated correctly on site

= 1.4 =
* includes a 30 day grace period for expired license before plugin stops working

= 1.3 =
* partial refactor of code
* Adds support for adding top-level menu items able to be their own link on dropdown menus
* Fix rel nofollow property on links
* add default top level item padding on medium screens
* fix minor issue for PHP 7.4 compatibility
* PHP 8 compatibility

= 1.2 =
* Adds support for adding top-level menu items able to be their own link
* Improves tablet/mobile top links to be touch-friendly

= 1.1 =
* Adds support for adding `current-menu-item` to the current menu link.
* Improves rendering for saved rows containing modules that use JavaScript for positioning.

= 1.0.5 =
* Fixes a compatibility issue between other plugins using common names to generate cryptographic nonces.

= 1.0.4 =
* Fixes an issue where updating the plugin on a site using a transient object cache would result in an error.

= 1.0.3 =
* Fixes a compatibility issue between other plugins using EDD.

= 1.0.2 =
* Improves clarity of error message when attempting to activate plugin on unsupported versions of PHP.

= 1.0.1 =
* Fixes an issue where animations bound to the window didn't trigger after page load.

= 1.0 =
* Initial release.

Handy tip:

Want your mega menu to look connected to the top-level item that triggered it? Here's some CSS you can use to create a little arrow that connects the two. Feel free to change as you need.

/* little arrow connecting mega menu to trigger item */
ul.brex-mega-menu .mega-menu-saved-row-a {position:relative;}
ul.brex-mega-menu .mega-menu-saved-row-a:hover:after {content:"";
  width: 0; 
  height: 0; 
  border-left: 8px solid transparent;
  border-right: 8px solid transparent;
  border-bottom: 8px solid white;
	position:absolute; left:40%; bottom:-2px;

We are available for customization help!

If you have a particular customization that you are trying to achieve on your site, or just need general help with our plugin (or even just your site in general), we are available for hire!

Our rate is $110/hr and we ask for a prepayment of one hour. If we don't use the whole thing, we'll refund the unused portion (or if we need more time, we will stop and wait for your approval before continuing).